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A New Generation of Women in Leadership and Professional Sports

Before I flew from Canada to Australia to deliver the biggest speech of my career before an audience of over fifteen thousand people, I reached out to Yogi Akal for pointers on my presentation, for input on my professional speaking and writing career, and particularly for how he could help me better manage stress, anxiety and my very busy schedule. I was also embarking on a new season of coaching my elite university women’s basketball team to win another national championship. I knew that the growing demands of my speaking and writing career as well as the intensity of that next championship win would be more than ever. Although I have always loved the adrenalin of coaching top-level athletes and speaking before a large audience, live or in the media, I knew it was time to move forward in my work (and life) with less tension and reactivity. The initial consultations with Yogi Akal were helpful on all fronts. I learned stress reduction techniques such as meditation and began to see results immediately. I also began working with him to build my expertise and leadership on a much larger scale, and landed on the idea of owning a professional women’s team. He said, “If not you, then who!” He worked with me to form a plan for this expansion. In the midst of it all, I grew calmer than ever; I now coach my team with a lot more energy and no anxiety; I handle pressured and stressful situations at work (and in life) with more ease and centeredness; I sleep better and have more balance; I am clearer and feel consistently excellent in my coaching delivery, as well as in my international outreach as an author and speaker (the Australia speech was a hit!). Most importantly, Yogi Akal is playing a major role in the incubation of my move into the powerful global network of women as leaders and owners of women’s sports organizations. His unwavering commitment to supporting women in business, sport and leadership has helped me to change my understanding of what I can accomplish in the short and long term, and how to get there.

C Vallée, Head Coach 5-time National Champion


Where you lack trust or faith, you become limited. Where you are limited you are afraid. Fear leads to anger. intelligent leaders, work their way up. When you are angry, ask yourself what you are afraid of. When are fearful, address your limits. When you feel confined, ask yourself, how can I expand my trust and faith and the trust people have in me.

– Yogi Akal
