Transformative Strategies for Global Leaders
from the author of “The Art of Peace” and “Renaissance Mind”

“Today’s leaders can’t use 20th century solutions for 21st century problems. They need to foster a resilient new mental state by developing a “Renaissance Mind”. Now is the time for leaders everywhere to go above and beyond and shape history. Lead fearlessly, unencumbered by emotionality, and people will follow.”
– Yogi Akal
Executive Advisor & Consultant – Keynote Speaker & Panelist
Yogi Akal promotes forward-thinking at the highest level. A seasoned and consummate professional, he is a unique and trusted figure on the world stage. He addresses topics that are timely and relevant from his position as a statesman, leadership specialist and global strategist. Whether he is speaking in the boardroom, delivering a keynote, or guiding a prime minister, he inspires progress, achievement and innovation.
Columbia University
“Yogi Akal is a superior speaker with critically needed skills and a very important message.”
20th Century-Fox
“The leaders of today and tomorrow need Yogi Akal. Key influencers benefit from his universal perspective.”
Government of Trinidad & Tobago
“An hour with Yogi Akal is one of the most important investments we have ever made.”
THE ART OF PEACE – book & trainings
“The Art of Peace” is a collection of 366 beautiful poetic insights and powerful declarations that will strengthen you, uplift you, and acknowledge your role as a peacemaker in the world today.
Open it at any time and it will speak to you.
“ We have all witnessed so many ways that peace has been locked out of hearts and minds. Enough is enough. There is a better way.
Peace is not the absence of war. It is in fact a unique consciousness, a wholly new way to live. It must be contemplated and agreed to every day, with practice, with every heartbeat, every breath, every word and every action.
Whether you realize it or not, you are a leader, a teacher, a healer and a powerful contributor to peace and progress for yourself and the world around you. For within you is the total nucleus of human potential known as peace, which grows inside, flourishes inside and radiates from inside.
Once you experience peace, you don’t want anything else. Let us declare and wage peace, now and together.
This book is a collection of insights and declarations I’ve created to serve this purpose. I hope it helps you to take that primary step toward the “art of peace” every day.”
– Yogi Akal
RENAISSANCE MIND – book & trainings
Humanity needs a Renaissance. Are you in?
“We are in the midst of the biggest transformation in our history, a changing of ages on the planet. This remarkable process is happening on every level, for every individual leader and for humanity as a whole, affecting every aspect of our lives – and it’s happening fast.
While the pace of change is exciting, it comes with great risk. Risk that we may advance our world exponentially without developing the internal technology and consciousness to reap the rewards of our inevitable progress. Risk that we may get caught up in the speed of progress without addressing the fundamental problems that create so much of our turmoil.
If we don’t enlighten our minds, we’re left with the unfortunate consequences of repeating history – with all of its suffering – and so much of our potential will be unrealized. So, where do we begin? We begin with a quantum leap in consciousness – a renaissance of the human mind. We must do this as individual leaders and collectively, as citizens of the Cosmos. Every single one of us can heal the past, bring peace to the present and co-create enlightened leadership for the future.
Let’s get started.”
– Yogi Akal